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Sample FDA Registration Certificates

FDA Registration Certificate

FDA Registration Fees

?How much does FDA registration cost in 2023

Qualified Food Facility Attestation

A business that meets the definition of a “qualified facility” is subject to modified requirements of the preventive controls rules. These modified requirements can be met by submitting a form to FDA, attesting to the business’s status as a qualified facility and attesting that the facility is implementing preventive controls to address hazards associated with its food or is in compliance with non-Federal food safety

FDA Registration Number Search

FDA Registration Number Search

About Us

FDA listing Agent is an independent consulting service that helps your company to meet the FDA requirements in order to access US market.


If you are looking for suppliers from Asia, or distributors in USA we can assist you in identifying the right products and/or distributors, manufacturers who will meet your requirements


If you are manufacturer, exporter, re-packer of medical device and willing export to US market you need to get registered and receive FDA permission to have access to US market

fda regulatory information

FDA will develop new tools to ensure that imported foods meet US standards and are safe for consumers

Continue Inc., referred as FDA Listing Inc., is a privately held regulatory assistance company with headquarters in New York, USA. FDA Listing Inc. has no affiliation with or endorsement by United States Food and Drug Administration. The certificates issued by FDA Listing Inc. are only for the sake of confirmation of FDA registration for your industry partners and are not recognized by United States Food and Drug Administration - FDA.

U.S. FDA Registration and Listing Inc

82 Nassau St, New York,
NY 10038, USA
Phone: +1 929-376-7870
Email: info